Only 527m people speak English natively.

Imagine the size of your audience if your videos were in other languages?

Of 7.2bn people on Earth:

  • Chinese (all dialects) - 1.39bn

  • Hindi (Urdu) - 588m

  • Arabic - 467m

  • Spanish - 389m

  • Russian - 254m

  • Bengali - 250m

  • Portuguese - 193m

  • German - 132m

  • Japanese - 123m

  • French - 118m

  • Italian - 67m

Why Your videos should be in other languages

Your videos in other languages will increase your:

  • Number of subscribers

  • Reach

  • impact

  • Earnings

We will professionally translate your videos into any language of your choice.
It's as easy as filling out a simple form.

Stop losing subscribers

Don't restrict your demographic to only English-speaking viewers.Let's help you speak the language of your viewers.